Sunday, April 1, 2012

No Foolin'

Even though we love April Fool's jokes around here, we've got pressing business to get to today - namely, to announce our new adventure in blogging: 30 Posts in 30 Days! In the blogosphere, November is National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo, when bloggers challenge themselves (and each other) to post something every day for 30 days. Now you can find bloggers trying it just about every month. We like that idea and think this is the perfect month to reflect on the past 27 months, revisit some of our favorite organizations and programs, and share the musings of those of us here at Peachy Keen HQ, and maybe some special guests as well. Some posts will be short, some will be long, but the point is just to check in each day with all of you, you dear Friends of Georgia, and find ourselves one day closer to Georgia's last day of treatment! (It's APRIL 29TH, have I mentioned?) So, with that settled, we're excited to kick off Georgia's NoMoChemo Challenge! See y'all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! looking forward to visiting daily! The excitement is palpable!
