Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today's the day - one of our favorite days - APRIL 29TH! Georgia has been off treatment and cancer-free for two whole years! It doesn't seem like it's been that long, but when I think of how much she has grown, in so many ways, since her last dose of chemo, it feels like a lifetime ago.

We started off the day as we do for all major celebrations - with cake, of course! For breakfast, even! It was a wee bit early for pictures (ahem), but there were definitely smiles and good wishes all around. We'll really do it up right tomorrow after Georgia's last appointment with Dr. Neff, but the highlight of the day, other than the obvious, was this note from Ivy. She thought long and hard about what she wanted to say, and in Usual Ivy Fashion (remember that?), she said it all perfectly.

"You are my sister. You have been strong. I love you, sissy."

And here was the scene after that:

We are all cancer-free today.

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