Tuesday, May 14, 2013


In the span of about eight days, Georgia has been recognized as a great artist, poet, leader, and scholar. She received a perfect score on a piece she submitted for an art show and had several poems published in the Ann Richards School literary magazine. 

 Praying Mantis cut from an aluminum can

She was also elected President of the National Junior Honor Society! Oh, and she found out that she's no longer ranked #4 in her class ... she's #2. I mean, really!

We have always known that Georgia was destined for greatness, and the fact that she's accomplished so much in the face of, and in spite of, a cancer diagnosis is such sweet icing on the cake. And being that Sunday was Mother's Day, I believe I'm entitled to brag a bit: My girl is GREAT. So is her precious sister.

Mother's Day lunch with the best gifts ever.

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