Wednesday, August 31, 2011


That's how many months we've been at this. And that's (almost) how many thousands of looky-loos we've had on this lil' blog. Wow! And thanks! We hope you've learned something and that you'll keep coming back for more because this girl? She's amazing.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Help Us Reach The Day!

Such a busy fundraising, message-sharing day for the Peachy Keens! First, we had Libbie's Birthday Bash and Macaroni Fun Run, which benefited the Children's Blood and Cancer Center, aka "the clinic." The Loving Libbie Foundation stocks the clinic's kitchen with THE BEST macaroni and cheese and chicken and dumplings and makes delicious, one-of-a-kind cakes for each child celebrating the end of their treatment. Becky and her family and employees are incredibly generous and support the local childhood cancer community in many ways, so Austinites, please visit A Trip to Bountiful (in Westlake and Bee Cave) the next time you need some yummy comfort food or a beautiful - and tasty! - dessert.

One of my missions at the Birthday Bash was to spread the word about ... the Austin CureSearch Walk! Which is only FOUR weeks away! We registered some new teams and drummed up a few donations, but the Peachy Keens still need your help! Georgia is holding steady at the #2 spot for individual fundraising, but our team is about $1,000 short of our goal. PLEASE consider donating in support of the Children's Oncology Group and the lifesaving research they do for all childhood cancers. The overall cure rate for these kids has improved over the last 40 years, but we have a long way to go to the ultimate goal: 100% cure rate. Every kid. Every time.

So what can you do? You can make a donation to Georgia's walk page or The Peachy Keen team page OR you can sign up to walk with us on September 24th at Mueller Lake Park. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and what better way to commemorate it than helping us to Reach The Day when every child with cancer can be guaranteed a CURE. Thanks, y'all!

We finished up the day with Georgia's Make-A-Wish radio interview, which, due to technical difficulties, we may or may not be able to post here. : ( I've got my best IT people (Daddy) working on it, so I'll hopefully have the clip and some pictures for the next post. In a word, Georgia was AWESOME. Surprised?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Let's Do This, Middle School!

That's what Georgia said today on her third day at her new school - she was set to go! The first couple of mornings were a little rocky, mostly due to nerves and the newness of it all, but she came home both days full of energy and talking non-stop about her teachers and classes. And today? No tears, all smiles - piece of cake! She is such an eager student and is really looking forward to all that Ann Richards has to offer. So, Middle School? Get ready!!!

Georgia's also getting ready for another opportunity to support one of our favorite charities. This weekend, she'll be participating in the KASE 101 Make-A-Wish Radiothon, where funds raised through pledges and auction items help grant wishes for Central Texas kids. Having been on the receiving end of a wish ourselves, we know what an incredible gift it is for these children and their families, and we're happy to spread the word and support this great organization however we can. That said, our Queen of All Media, Georgia, will be doing a LIVE radio interview on Saturday from 2-3 pm, so tune in or if you're in the area, stop by Lakeline Mall and say hi!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Camp Wrap-Up

Well, she made it! We all did! Georgia had such a great time at camp, and she wants to go back next summer, so I'd say that's a ringing endorsement. She also said it was "great preparation" for going back to school, and I have to agree - an early wake-up call (though I don't plan on taking bugle lessons), a day full of activities and lessons, and a happy, weary body falling in to bed each night. Plus, lots of news friends! Thank you so much to everyone who sent her letters and emails - she kept them all in her pillowcase to stem any feelings of homesickness that might sneak up. We're so thrilled that she finally got to go to camp and take full advantage of all that Mystic has to offer. Thank you, Eastland family, for taking such great care of our girl!

Hangin' with friends

Emoting in the drama production

Gearing up for some Bombardment

Flying high in the Dance Performance
(my favorite picture)

Singing at Camp Closing

JoJo is SO glad Georgia's home!

Now that she's all unpacked (mostly), we're moving on to that little business of MIDDLE SCHOOL starting tomorrow! Georgia can't wait to begin her journey as an Ann Richards girl, and we're looking forward to watching her take her new school - and the world - by (quiet) storm. : )

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Camp Report - Part II

Judging from the three letters we got today, and many of the pictures posted on the camp website, Georgia is having a ball! She's made a lot of new friends (many of whom I see wearing Georgia bracelets in the pictures - yay!), and I can't wait to hear all of her tales. She's journaling when she can - she's very busy, you know - and taking some pictures of her own, all of which I'll post when she comes HOME! SATURDAY!!! : ) For now, here are some shots of her cabin mates, the catch of the day, and some total hambone with a mustache on skit night.

I have no idea where she gets it. Ahem.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mystic Murmurs

Camp Mystic's newspaper is called The Mystic Murmur, and here's the latest news from our cracker jack reporter on the scene: Camp is FUN!

On Monday, we took Georgia to Hunt, Texas and got her all settled in Look Out - the last cabin I stayed in at Mystic 22 years ago! She said she was excited but also felt a little "tingly," like when you're about to go on a roller coaster. The first girl we saw was actually her classmate, Lily, and then she was immediately recognized by some of the girls she met last summer at a pre-camp swim party. After seeing all of those friendly faces, she did very well when it was time for us to leave. Better than any of the rest of us!

The main first order of business is for all new campers to be sorted, a la Harry Potter, into one of two tribes. Georgia drew a blue slip, so she is now and always an Ever Loyal Kiowa! Everyone cheers, and the older girls carry the new girls off to their waiting tribes.

The rest of the week has consisted of daily activities (Dance, Drama, Journalism, Arts and Crafts, and Fishing), tribe meetings and games, and nightly events like a camp-wide scavenger hunt and lots of skits. We've gotten FOUR letters, and I closely inspect every picture posted on the website for even the slightest glimpse of our girl (there are about 600 posted per day!)! We know she's having a great time and are so proud of her independence and strength.

But next Saturday can't get here fast enough. : )

Friday, August 5, 2011

From the Mail Bag

Thank you, Juenke Family!!!

Georgia recently received the coolest gift from a high school friend of mine - a photo book of his family's trip to Europe, where they proudly displayed their Georgia bracelets all along the way. At every famous site and statue, they took a picture, so Georgia has now "seen" Buckingham Palace, the Eiffel Tower, and the Cinque-Terre - not to mention the Mona Lisa and the Trevi Fountain, among many others. They put so much time and effort into the project, and Georgia just loves it. Ivy, too! Here are a couple of their favorites:

St. Peter's Basilica
(I'll excuse the Gig 'em sign : ))

High Fivin' the Venus de Milo

What a great idea! Speaking of great ideas, Georgia is heading to camp on Sunday and would LOVE to hear from you while she's there! Campers are limited to two care packages for the term, which we've got covered, but a letter, quick note, or an email would be wonderful! Here is the mailing address, and if you'd like to email her, email us for instructions. She'll be there August 8-20. Thanks, y'all!!!

Georgia Lee Moore
Look Out
Camp Mystic
2689 Hwy 39
Hunt, Texas 78024-3412

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Campers

While we're in major camp preparation mode, we wanted to tell you about some camps, in this area and beyond, especially for cancer patients and their siblings. Giving these kids the opportunity to have a true camp experience, just like "normal" kids, is a mission that is near and dear to me, and I think it's well worth our attention and support! So thank you to these amazing organizations, and Happy Camping everyone!

First up is Camp Discovery, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Texas kids ages 7-16 come together at the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville for a week of fun, and we know from several friends and staff members at the clinic that it is indeed that - FUN! Because Georgia was already signed up to go to camp (and maybe because Mommy couldn't even think about her being away for another week!), she didn't sign up for this go-round, but maybe next year!

Next, Camp Grey Dove, sponsored by Any Baby Can and Candlelighters, is open to siblings of childhood cancer survivors. For four days, these kids enjoy all that Lake LBJ has to offer and build friendships with kids on similar journeys. I've said it before, but I SO appreciate organizations that recognize the special needs of siblings.

A camp that is probably familiar to many of you, and might be considered the gold standard, is The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. Founded in 1988 by Paul Newman, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is a nonprofit, year-round center serving children and their families coping with cancer, sickle cell anemia, and other serious illnesses. They have a great volunteer program for counselors and medical professionals, and they hold periodic family weekends throughout the fall and spring. I'm thinking Connecticut sounds pretty good right about now!

Finally, coming soon to The Forty Acres (that's the UT campus for you Aggies out there) is Camp Kesem, for the children of cancer survivors. This unique program is college student-run, and thanks to LIVESTRONG Community Impact Project funding, will be expanding to 12 more campuses in the near future. Camp Kesem provides a week of fun for the children and excellent leadership opportunities for the students - such a great idea! - and I'm excited to see how it comes together here.

In case you can't tell, I LOVE CAMP, and I truly believe that every kid should have the opportunity to go to camp at least once. So if I ever win the lottery, you'll know where to find me: on the banks of the Guadalupe, manning the canoes at Hole in the Wall South. : )