Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rolling Up Our Sleeves - Again

If you look to the right, in the sidebar there, that little blood drop guy is there to remind you of Georgia's goal to get 100 units of blood donated before she goes into maintenance. We are close, but not quite there, so that's where YOU lovely people come in!

Our friend, Zel, is having his bar mitzvah next month, and as his mitzvah (good deed) project, he's organized a blood drive in Georgia's honor. If you gave at the last one, you're eligible to give again, and if haven't donated yet, NOW would be the perfect time! Zel's drive is August 1st from 9-2, and you can click on the "Life" icon in the sidebar to get signed up (enter "Georgiamoore" for the sponsor ID). If you can't make that date, please donate at your local blood center, and let us know so we can add you to the tally. Your gift can help save up to three lives, so roll up those sleeves, y'all! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Cool Georgia another blood drive in honor of you!
    Your friend,
    Emma 8P
