Tuesday was such a special day! First, I was reminded of Cinco de Mayo in 2010, when Georgia and her Lolly and I spent a long day at the clinic, making paper flowers.
As funny as it sounds, we actually have a lot of good memories from days like that, mostly because of the beautiful people we were surrounded by. So going back to Dell Children's on Tuesday, the place where it all began, was like coming home in a way. We were able to personally deliver gifts to three precious baby girls, mighty warriors all, and each of them lit up at the sight of their nightlights. It was so wonderful to see! We remember very well how nice it is to have a break in the hospital routine, and getting to be the bearers of some positivity and inspiration, especially in the walking, talking form of our amazing survivor, was an honor and a privilege. Dell Children's is truly the greatest place you never want to go, and it is full to the rafters of incredible angels who never forget their number one priority: caring for kids.
When we were leaving, a familiar voice called after Georgia from down the hall, and here came Elizabeth, our first nurse when Georgia was inpatient at diagnosis. She holds a special place in our hearts for lots of reasons, but we haven't seen her in five years - thanks to Georgia's awesome immune system and a lot of luck! Elizabeth marveled at that fact (said it was unheard of for an ALL kid to go through treatment with no hospitalizations) and couldn't get over how tall our girl is. Me either! It was such a happy coincidence that we were there during her shift, and she thanked us for coming and letting them (the patients and the staff) see for themselves how well Georgia is doing.
All told,
the international day of giving was a huge success - over 5,000 children in five countries received some MaxLove! Georgia and Ivy were both thrilled to be ambassadors of HOPE, and we'll be ready to jump back into service anytime Max and his Momma need us. And speaking of
SuperMax, his latest MRI results show that his tumor remains STABLE. This is fabulous news and means he can continue to fight the odds and thrive on! Go Max Go!
As for Georgia, we got the results from her latest labs and bone scans, and the news is all good as well. Her bone age is right on the money, and her bone density has increased 16% since last year's scan! She is still well below where she should be, but we are making progress. The Vitamin D and calcium supplements are working and the dosage is just right to combat the osteoperosis. We'll follow up in six months, but for now, she's just going to keep on trucking!
So much goodness this week. Georgia love to all.