Thursday, April 29, 2010

All Systems Go

Interim Maintenance has begun! Georgia's numbers were awesome this morning, so she was able to have her IV and IT medicines and the first round of the new Erwinia shots. She was feeling "200 percent" and was so glad to finally get started! We had to hang around a while for observation after the shots, but there seemed to be no adverse reaction at all. SO - she'll go in every other day for the next 12 days for the rest of this round of shots, and we'll continue to monitor for an allergic reaction, which is more likely to occur later after she's been exposed to the medicine more (the PEG episode was on her third dose). Also, she looked a little low in the tank on her red blood count, so I predict a transfusion in the near future, but we'll see. Other than that, today was a great, great step forward!

Speaking of great things, thank you, LINDA, for donating blood in Georgia's honor in Mesquite! See? If you donate, you get an Official Georgia Shout-Out! So get out there and GIVE! : )


  1. Hooray for you! I hope it continues to go as well as such things can go. We're thinking of you always, and smiling.

  2. That is great news...glad she is feeling good. We are almost ready to head down to Austin for Will's ride. I made Georgia buttons for all of us to wear tomorrow. I hope Georgia continues to feel strong and we'll be thinking of her all day tomorrow during the 100 mile journey!

    Dianna & Will Bacon

  3. Yeah, Georgia all systems go! You got the new shots and everything's lookin' good! That's great!
    Your friend,
