Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Fun

Decorating the tree

Ivy, the Nutcracker Mouse

A visit from GG

Letters to Santa

Christmas morning tea party

We hope yours was very merry, too! We're looking forward to a brand new year and some big birthday fun in the next few days, so stay tuned! Thanks, y'all!


  1. Oh dear I heart that Nutcracker mouse! She's the sweetest, and I don't usually care for rodents! Love the pictures and mostly the beautiful smiles!!

  2. you guys may well on your way but i had to let you know that we are all wishing we were there to see the fun.....simon and nelson did not make new york but they did not get stuck some crazy place like some people maybe N.Y. at spring break...twins b-d tomorrow....big 4 . looking forward to geat aunt shearin

  3. OMG! Look at all the American Girls at that tea party!
